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# Display name
name: Wojciech Kozlowski
# Username (this should match the folder name)
- admin
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superuser: true
# Role/position
role: Postdoctoral Researcher
# Organizations/Affiliations
- name: QuTech, TU Delft
url: "https://qutech.nl"
# Short bio (displayed in user profile at end of posts)
bio: My day job is to research quantum network architectures.
- Quantum Networks
- Computer Networks
- Quantum Computing
- course: DPhil in Atomic and Laser Physics
institution: University of Oxford
year: 2016
- course: MSci in Theoretical Quantum Physics
institution: University of Cambridge
year: 2012
# Social/Academic Networking
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- icon: linkedin
icon_pack: fab
link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wojciech-kozlowski-a04638161/
- icon: zotero
icon_pack: ai
link: https://www.zotero.org/wojtek242
- icon: google-scholar
icon_pack: ai
link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=tAg_NmMAAAAJ
- icon: github
icon_pack: fab
link: https://github.com/wojtek242
# Link to a PDF of your resume/CV from the About widget.
# To enable, copy your resume/CV to `static/files/cv.pdf` and uncomment the lines below.
- icon: cv
icon_pack: ai
link: files/cv.pdf
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email: ""
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# - Researchers
# - Visitors
I am a postdoctoral researcher at [QuTech](https://qutech.nl/) at the [Delft
University of Technology](https://www.tudelft.nl/en/). My work is focused on
developing the network and software architecture for quantum networks. I am
part of [Stephanie Wehner's group](https://qutech.nl/lab/wehner-group/) which
places me within the [Quantum Internet
Division](https://qutech.nl/research-engineering/quantum-internet/) at
[QuTech](https://qutech.nl/) and the [Quantum Internet
Alliance](https://quantum-internet.team/) funded by the European Union's
[Quantum Flagship](https://qt.eu/) program.
I did my MSci and PhD in quantum physics, but after graduating from Oxford I
worked as a software engineer for two years in the network software team at
[Metaswitch](https://www.metaswitch.com/). This has placed me in the unusual
position of having experience in both computer networking and quantum physics
which is how I ended up at QuTech. Through my brief stint in industry I have
also acquired an interest in purely classical topics such as software-defined
networking and programming languages like Rust.