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Wojciech Kozlowski
true Quantum Network Engineer
name url
QuTech, TU Delft https://qutech.nl
Quantum network researcher and developer.
Quantum Networks
Computer Networks
Software Engineering
course institution year
DPhil in Atomic and Laser Physics University of Oxford 2016
course institution year
MSci in Theoretical Quantum Physics University of Cambridge 2012
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linkedin fab https://www.linkedin.com/in/wojciech-kozlowski/
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google-scholar ai https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=tAg_NmMAAAAJ

I am a Quantum Network Engineer at QuTech at the Delft University of Technology and the Stack and Integration Team Lead in the Quantum Internet Alliance. I am a quantum network researcher, architect, and developer working on various quantum network research and engineering projects within QuTech such as the Quantum Internet Alliance funded by the European Union's Quantum Flagship program or the CAT 2: Quantum network programme led by Quantum Delta NL.

I did my MSci in Theoretical Quantum Physics at the University of Cambridge and my PhD in Atomic and Laser Physics at the University of Oxford. However, after graduating from Oxford I decided to change track and I worked as a software engineer for two years in the network software team at Metaswitch. This has placed me in the unusual position of having experience in both computer networking and quantum physics which is how I ended up at QuTech. I then worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Stephanie Wehner's group for two years before moving to my current position. Through my brief stint in industry I have also acquired an interest in purely classical topics such as software-defined networking and programming languages like Rust.