--- # Documentation: https://sourcethemes.com/academic/docs/managing-content/ title: "From research to industry and back again" subtitle: "" summary: "When I completed my PhD back in 2016 and started my new job as a software engineer in London I was not planning on ever going back to academic research. I was actually quite glad that I would not have to spend my days reading dense scientific articles or dealing with reviewer comments. Things changed when in March of 2018 I attended the IETF 101 meeting." tags: [] categories: [] date: 2020-11-27 featured: false draft: false reading_time: false # Featured image # To use, add an image named `featured.jpg/png` to your page's folder. # Focal points: Smart, Center, TopLeft, Top, TopRight, Left, Right, BottomLeft, Bottom, BottomRight. image: caption: "" focal_point: "" preview_only: false links: - icon_pack: fas icon: newspaper name: Full text on the QuTech blog url: 'https://blog.qutech.nl/2020/11/27/from-research-to-industry-and-back-again/' --- **When I completed my PhD back in 2016 and started my new job as a software engineer in London I was not planning on ever going back to academic research. I was actually quite glad that I would not have to spend my days reading dense scientific articles or dealing with reviewer comments. Things changed when in March of 2018 I attended the IETF 101 meeting.** The full text of this blog post can be found on the [QuTech blog](https://blog.qutech.nl/2020/11/27/from-research-to-industry-and-back-again/).