# ----- Testing ------ import json # -------------------- import logging import os import re import string import sys import time from typing import Tuple import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bso from mutagen.flac import FLAC from mutagen.mp3 import EasyMP3 from pathvalidate import sanitize_filename import qobuz_dl.spoofbuz as spoofbuz from qobuz_dl import downloader, qopy from qobuz_dl.color import CYAN, OFF, RED, YELLOW, DF, RESET from qobuz_dl.exceptions import NonStreamable from qobuz_dl.db import create_db, handle_download_id WEB_URL = "https://play.qobuz.com/" ARTISTS_SELECTOR = "td.chartlist-artist > a" TITLE_SELECTOR = "td.chartlist-name > a" EXTENSIONS = (".mp3", ".flac") QUALITIES = {5: "5 - MP3", 6: "6 - FLAC", 7: "7 - 24B<96kHz", 27: "27 - 24B>96kHz"} logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PartialFormatter(string.Formatter): def __init__(self, missing="n/a", bad_fmt="n/a"): self.missing, self.bad_fmt = missing, bad_fmt def get_field(self, field_name, args, kwargs): try: val = super(PartialFormatter, self).get_field(field_name, args, kwargs) except (KeyError, AttributeError): val = None, field_name return val def format_field(self, value, spec): if not value: return self.missing try: return super(PartialFormatter, self).format_field(value, spec) except ValueError: if self.bad_fmt: return self.bad_fmt raise class QobuzDL: def __init__( self, directory="Qobuz Downloads", quality=6, embed_art=False, lucky_limit=1, lucky_type="album", interactive_limit=20, ignore_singles_eps=False, no_m3u_for_playlists=False, quality_fallback=True, cover_og_quality=False, no_cover=False, downloads_db=None, folder_format="{artist} - {album} ({year}) [{bit_depth}B-" "{sampling_rate}kHz]", track_format="{tracknumber}. {tracktitle}", smart_discography=False, ): self.directory = self.create_dir(directory) self.quality = quality self.embed_art = embed_art self.lucky_limit = lucky_limit self.lucky_type = lucky_type self.interactive_limit = interactive_limit self.ignore_singles_eps = ignore_singles_eps self.no_m3u_for_playlists = no_m3u_for_playlists self.quality_fallback = quality_fallback self.cover_og_quality = cover_og_quality self.no_cover = no_cover self.downloads_db = create_db(downloads_db) if downloads_db else None self.folder_format = folder_format self.track_format = track_format self.smart_discography = smart_discography def initialize_client(self, email, pwd, app_id, secrets): self.client = qopy.Client(email, pwd, app_id, secrets) logger.info(f"{YELLOW}Set quality: {QUALITIES[int(self.quality)]}\n") def get_tokens(self): spoofer = spoofbuz.Spoofer() self.app_id = spoofer.getAppId() self.secrets = [ secret for secret in spoofer.getSecrets().values() if secret ] # avoid empty fields def create_dir(self, directory=None): fix = os.path.normpath(directory) os.makedirs(fix, exist_ok=True) return fix def get_url_info(self, url: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Returns the type of the url and the id. Compatible with urls of the form: https://www.qobuz.com/us-en/{type}/{name}/{id} https://open.qobuz.com/{type}/{id} https://play.qobuz.com/{type}/{id} /us-en/{type}/-/{id} """ r = re.search( r"(?:https:\/\/(?:w{3}|open|play)\.qobuz\.com)?(?:\/[a-z]{2}-[a-z]{2})" r"?\/(album|artist|track|playlist|label)(?:\/[-\w\d]+)?\/([\w\d]+)", url, ) return r.groups() def download_from_id(self, item_id, album=True, alt_path=None): if handle_download_id(self.downloads_db, item_id, add_id=False): logger.info( f"{OFF}This release ID ({item_id}) was already downloaded " "according to the local database.\nUse the '--no-db' flag " "to bypass this." ) return try: downloader.download_id_by_type( self.client, item_id, alt_path or self.directory, str(self.quality), album, self.embed_art, self.ignore_singles_eps, self.quality_fallback, self.cover_og_quality, self.no_cover, folder_format=self.folder_format, track_format=self.track_format, ) handle_download_id(self.downloads_db, item_id, add_id=True) except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, NonStreamable) as e: logger.error(f"{RED}Error getting release: {e}. Skipping...") def handle_url(self, url): possibles = { "playlist": { "func": self.client.get_plist_meta, "iterable_key": "tracks", }, "artist": { "func": self.client.get_artist_meta, "iterable_key": "albums", }, "label": { "func": self.client.get_label_meta, "iterable_key": "albums", }, "album": {"album": True, "func": None, "iterable_key": None}, "track": {"album": False, "func": None, "iterable_key": None}, } try: url_type, item_id = self.get_url_info(url) type_dict = possibles[url_type] except (KeyError, IndexError): logger.info( f'{RED}Invalid url: "{url}". Use urls from ' "https://play.qobuz.com!" ) return if type_dict["func"]: content = [item for item in type_dict["func"](item_id)] content_name = content[0]["name"] logger.info( f"{YELLOW}Downloading all the music from {content_name} " f"({url_type})!" ) new_path = self.create_dir( os.path.join(self.directory, sanitize_filename(content_name)) ) # items = [item[type_dict["iterable_key"]]["items"] for item in content][0] items = self.smart_discography_filter( content, True, True, ) logger.info(f"{YELLOW}{len(items)} downloads in queue") for item in items: self.download_from_id( item["id"], True if type_dict["iterable_key"] == "albums" else False, new_path, ) if url_type == "playlist": self.make_m3u(new_path) else: self.download_from_id(item_id, type_dict["album"]) def download_list_of_urls(self, urls): if not urls or not isinstance(urls, list): logger.info(f"{OFF}Nothing to download") return for url in urls: if "last.fm" in url: self.download_lastfm_pl(url) elif os.path.isfile(url): self.download_from_txt_file(url) else: self.handle_url(url) def download_from_txt_file(self, txt_file): with open(txt_file, "r") as txt: try: urls = [ line.replace("\n", "") for line in txt.readlines() if not line.strip().startswith("#") ] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"{RED}Invalid text file: {e}") return logger.info( f"{YELLOW}qobuz-dl will download {len(urls)}" f" urls from file: {txt_file}" ) self.download_list_of_urls(urls) def lucky_mode(self, query, download=True): if len(query) < 3: logger.info(f"{RED}Your search query is too short or invalid") return logger.info( f'{YELLOW}Searching {self.lucky_type}s for "{query}".\n' f"{YELLOW}qobuz-dl will attempt to download the first " f"{self.lucky_limit} results." ) results = self.search_by_type(query, self.lucky_type, self.lucky_limit, True) if download: self.download_list_of_urls(results) return results def format_duration(self, duration): return time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(duration)) def search_by_type(self, query, item_type, limit=10, lucky=False): if len(query) < 3: logger.info("{RED}Your search query is too short or invalid") return possibles = { "album": { "func": self.client.search_albums, "album": True, "key": "albums", "format": "{artist[name]} - {title}", "requires_extra": True, }, "artist": { "func": self.client.search_artists, "album": True, "key": "artists", "format": "{name} - ({albums_count} releases)", "requires_extra": False, }, "track": { "func": self.client.search_tracks, "album": False, "key": "tracks", "format": "{performer[name]} - {title}", "requires_extra": True, }, "playlist": { "func": self.client.search_playlists, "album": False, "key": "playlists", "format": "{name} - ({tracks_count} releases)", "requires_extra": False, }, } try: mode_dict = possibles[item_type] results = mode_dict["func"](query, limit) iterable = results[mode_dict["key"]]["items"] item_list = [] for i in iterable: fmt = PartialFormatter() text = fmt.format(mode_dict["format"], **i) if mode_dict["requires_extra"]: text = "{} - {} [{}]".format( text, self.format_duration(i["duration"]), "HI-RES" if i["hires_streamable"] else "LOSSLESS", ) url = "{}{}/{}".format(WEB_URL, item_type, i.get("id", "")) item_list.append({"text": text, "url": url} if not lucky else url) return item_list except (KeyError, IndexError): logger.info(f"{RED}Invalid type: {item_type}") return def interactive(self, download=True): try: from pick import pick except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): if os.name == "nt": sys.exit( "Please install curses with " '"pip3 install windows-curses" to continue' ) raise qualities = [ {"q_string": "320", "q": 5}, {"q_string": "Lossless", "q": 6}, {"q_string": "Hi-res =< 96kHz", "q": 7}, {"q_string": "Hi-Res > 96 kHz", "q": 27}, ] def get_title_text(option): return option.get("text") def get_quality_text(option): return option.get("q_string") try: item_types = ["Albums", "Tracks", "Artists", "Playlists"] selected_type = pick(item_types, "I'll search for:\n[press Intro]")[0][ :-1 ].lower() logger.info(f"{YELLOW}Ok, we'll search for " f"{selected_type}s{RESET}") final_url_list = [] while True: query = input( f"{CYAN}Enter your search: [Ctrl + c to quit]\n" f"-{DF} " ) logger.info(f"{YELLOW}Searching...{RESET}") options = self.search_by_type( query, selected_type, self.interactive_limit ) if not options: logger.info(f"{OFF}Nothing found{RESET}") continue title = ( f'*** RESULTS FOR "{query.title()}" ***\n\n' "Select [space] the item(s) you want to download " "(one or more)\nPress Ctrl + c to quit\n" "Don't select anything to try another search" ) selected_items = pick( options, title, multiselect=True, min_selection_count=0, options_map_func=get_title_text, ) if len(selected_items) > 0: [final_url_list.append(i[0]["url"]) for i in selected_items] y_n = pick( ["Yes", "No"], "Items were added to queue to be downloaded. " "Keep searching?", ) if y_n[0][0] == "N": break else: logger.info(f"{YELLOW}Ok, try again...{RESET}") continue if final_url_list: desc = ( "Select [intro] the quality (the quality will " "be automatically\ndowngraded if the selected " "is not found)" ) self.quality = pick( qualities, desc, default_index=1, options_map_func=get_quality_text, )[0]["q"] if download: self.download_list_of_urls(final_url_list) return final_url_list except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.info(f"{YELLOW}Bye") return def download_lastfm_pl(self, playlist_url): # Apparently, last fm API doesn't have a playlist endpoint. If you # find out that it has, please fix this! try: r = requests.get(playlist_url, timeout=10) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logger.error(f"{RED}Playlist download failed: {e}") return soup = bso(r.content, "html.parser") artists = [artist.text for artist in soup.select(ARTISTS_SELECTOR)] titles = [title.text for title in soup.select(TITLE_SELECTOR)] track_list = [] if len(artists) == len(titles) and artists: track_list = [ artist + " " + title for artist, title in zip(artists, titles) ] if not track_list: logger.info(f"{OFF}Nothing found") return pl_title = sanitize_filename(soup.select_one("h1").text) pl_directory = os.path.join(self.directory, pl_title) logger.info( f"{YELLOW}Downloading playlist: {pl_title} " f"({len(track_list)} tracks)" ) for i in track_list: track_id = self.get_url_info( self.search_by_type(i, "track", 1, lucky=True)[0] )[1] if track_id: self.download_from_id(track_id, False, pl_directory) self.make_m3u(pl_directory) def make_m3u(self, pl_directory): if self.no_m3u_for_playlists: return track_list = ["#EXTM3U"] rel_folder = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(pl_directory)) pl_name = rel_folder + ".m3u" for local, dirs, files in os.walk(pl_directory): dirs.sort() audio_rel_files = [ # os.path.abspath(os.path.join(local, file_)) # os.path.join(rel_folder, # os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(local)), # file_) os.path.join(os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(local)), file_) for file_ in files if os.path.splitext(file_)[-1] in EXTENSIONS ] audio_files = [ os.path.abspath(os.path.join(local, file_)) for file_ in files if os.path.splitext(file_)[-1] in EXTENSIONS ] if not audio_files or len(audio_files) != len(audio_rel_files): continue for audio_rel_file, audio_file in zip(audio_rel_files, audio_files): try: pl_item = ( EasyMP3(audio_file) if ".mp3" in audio_file else FLAC(audio_file) ) title = pl_item["TITLE"][0] artist = pl_item["ARTIST"][0] length = int(pl_item.info.length) index = "#EXTINF:{}, {} - {}\n{}".format( length, artist, title, audio_rel_file ) except: # noqa continue track_list.append(index) if len(track_list) > 1: with open(os.path.join(pl_directory, pl_name), "w") as pl: pl.write("\n\n".join(track_list)) def smart_discography_filter( self, contents: list, save_space=False, remove_extras=False ) -> list: """When downloading some artists' discography, there can be a lot of duplicate albums that needlessly use 10's of GB of bandwidth. This filters the duplicates. Example (Stevie Wonder): * ... * Songs In The Key of Life [24/192] * Songs In The Key of Life [24/96] * Songs In The Key of Life [16/44.1] * ... This function should choose either [24/96] or [24/192]. It also skips deluxe albums in favor of the originals, picks remasters in favor of originals, and removes albums by other artists that just feature the requested artist. """ def print_album(a: dict): print( f"{album['title']} - {album['version']} ({album['maximum_bit_depth']}/{album['maximum_sampling_rate']})" ) def remastered(s: str) -> bool: """Case insensitive match to check whether an album is remastered. """ if s is None: return False return re.match(r"(?i)(re)?master(ed)?", s) is not None def extra(album: dict) -> bool: assert hasattr(album, "__getitem__"), "param must be dict-like" if 'version' not in album: return False return ( re.findall( r"(?i)(anniversary|deluxe|live|collector|demo)", f"{album['title']} {album['version']}", ) != [] ) # remove all albums by other artists artist = contents[0]["name"] items = [item["albums"]["items"] for item in contents][0] artist_f = [] # artist filtered for item in items: if item["artist"]["name"] == artist: artist_f.append(item) # use dicts to group duplicate titles together titles_f = dict() for item in artist_f: if (t := item["title"]) not in titles_f: titles_f[t] = [] titles_f[t].append(item) # pick desired quality out of duplicates # remasters are given preferred status quality_f = [] for albums in titles_f.values(): # no duplicates for title if len(albums) == 1: quality_f.append(albums[0]) continue # desired bit depth and sampling rate bit_depth = max(a["maximum_bit_depth"] for a in albums) # having sampling rate > 44.1kHz is a waste of space # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyquist–Shannon_sampling_theorem # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/44,100_Hz#Human_hearing_and_signal_processing cmp_func = min if save_space else max sampling_rate = cmp_func( a["maximum_sampling_rate"] for a in albums if a["maximum_bit_depth"] == bit_depth ) has_remaster = bool([a for a in albums if remastered(a["version"])]) # check if album has desired bit depth and sampling rate # if there is a remaster in `item`, check if the album is a remaster for album in albums: if ( album["maximum_bit_depth"] == bit_depth and album["maximum_sampling_rate"] == sampling_rate ): if not has_remaster: quality_f.append(album) elif remastered(album["version"]): quality_f.append(album) if remove_extras: final = [] # this filters those huge albums with outtakes, live performances etc. for album in quality_f: if not extra(album): final.append(album) else: final = quality_f return final # key = lambda a: a["title"] # final.sort(key=key) # for album in final: # print_album(album)