import os import re import string import sys import time import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bso from pathvalidate import sanitize_filename import qobuz_dl.spoofbuz as spoofbuz from qobuz_dl import downloader, qopy from mutagen.flac import FLAC from mutagen.mp3 import EasyMP3 WEB_URL = "" ARTISTS_SELECTOR = "td.chartlist-artist > a" TITLE_SELECTOR = "td.chartlist-name > a" EXTENSIONS = (".mp3", ".flac") class PartialFormatter(string.Formatter): def __init__(self, missing="n/a", bad_fmt="n/a"): self.missing, self.bad_fmt = missing, bad_fmt def get_field(self, field_name, args, kwargs): try: val = super(PartialFormatter, self).get_field(field_name, args, kwargs) except (KeyError, AttributeError): val = None, field_name return val def format_field(self, value, spec): if not value: return self.missing try: return super(PartialFormatter, self).format_field(value, spec) except ValueError: if self.bad_fmt: return self.bad_fmt raise class QobuzDL: def __init__( self, directory="Qobuz Downloads", quality=6, embed_art=False, lucky_limit=1, lucky_type="album", interactive_limit=20, ignore_singles_eps=False, no_m3u_for_playlists=False, ): = self.create_dir(directory) self.quality = quality self.embed_art = embed_art self.lucky_limit = lucky_limit self.lucky_type = lucky_type self.interactive_limit = interactive_limit self.ignore_singles_eps = ignore_singles_eps self.no_m3u_for_playlists = no_m3u_for_playlists def initialize_client(self, email, pwd, app_id, secrets): self.client = qopy.Client(email, pwd, app_id, secrets) def get_tokens(self): spoofer = spoofbuz.Spoofer() self.app_id = spoofer.getAppId() self.secrets = [ secret for secret in spoofer.getSecrets().values() if secret ] # avoid empty fields def create_dir(self, directory=None): fix = os.path.normpath(directory) os.makedirs(fix, exist_ok=True) return fix def get_id(self, url): return re.match( r"https?://(?:w{0,3}|play|open)\.qobuz\.com/(?:(?:album|track|artist" "|playlist|label)/|[a-z]{2}-[a-z]{2}/album/-?\w+(?:-\w+)*-?/|user/" "library/favorites/)(\w+)", url, ).group(1) def download_from_id(self, item_id, album=True, alt_path=None): downloader.download_id_by_type( self.client, item_id, if not alt_path else alt_path, str(self.quality), album, self.embed_art, self.ignore_singles_eps, ) def handle_url(self, url): possibles = { "playlist": { "func": self.client.get_plist_meta, "iterable_key": "tracks", }, "artist": { "func": self.client.get_artist_meta, "iterable_key": "albums", }, "label": { "func": self.client.get_label_meta, "iterable_key": "albums", }, "album": {"album": True, "func": None, "iterable_key": None}, "track": {"album": False, "func": None, "iterable_key": None}, } try: url_type = url.split("/")[3] type_dict = possibles[url_type] item_id = self.get_id(url) except (KeyError, IndexError): print( 'Invalid url: "{}". Use urls from!'.format(url) ) return if type_dict["func"]: content = [item for item in type_dict["func"](item_id)] content_name = content[0]["name"] print( "\nDownloading all the music from {} ({})!".format( content_name, url_type ) ) new_path = self.create_dir( os.path.join(, sanitize_filename(content_name)) ) items = [item[type_dict["iterable_key"]]["items"] for item in content][0] print("{} downloads in queue".format(len(items))) for item in items: self.download_from_id( item["id"], True if type_dict["iterable_key"] == "albums" else False, new_path, ) if url_type == "playlist": self.make_m3u(new_path) else: self.download_from_id(item_id, type_dict["album"]) def download_list_of_urls(self, urls): if not urls or not isinstance(urls, list): print("Nothing to download") return for url in urls: if "" in url: self.download_lastfm_pl(url) elif os.path.isfile(url): self.download_from_txt_file(url) else: self.handle_url(url) def download_from_txt_file(self, txt_file): with open(txt_file, "r") as txt: try: urls = except Exception as e: print("Invalid text file: " + str(e)) return print( 'qobuz-dl will download {} urls from file: "{}"\n'.format( len(urls), txt_file ) ) self.download_list_of_urls(urls) def lucky_mode(self, query, download=True): if len(query) < 3: sys.exit("Your search query is too short or invalid!") print( 'Searching {}s for "{}".\n' "qobuz-dl will attempt to download the first {} results.".format( self.lucky_type, query, self.lucky_limit ) ) results = self.search_by_type(query, self.lucky_type, self.lucky_limit, True) if download: self.download_list_of_urls(results) return results def format_duration(self, duration): return time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(duration)) def search_by_type(self, query, item_type, limit=10, lucky=False): if len(query) < 3: print("Your search query is too short or invalid!") return possibles = { "album": { "func": self.client.search_albums, "album": True, "key": "albums", "format": "{artist[name]} - {title}", "requires_extra": True, }, "artist": { "func": self.client.search_artists, "album": True, "key": "artists", "format": "{name} - ({albums_count} releases)", "requires_extra": False, }, "track": { "func": self.client.search_tracks, "album": False, "key": "tracks", "format": "{performer[name]} - {title}", "requires_extra": True, }, "playlist": { "func": self.client.search_playlists, "album": False, "key": "playlists", "format": "{name} - ({tracks_count} releases)", "requires_extra": False, }, } try: mode_dict = possibles[item_type] results = mode_dict["func"](query, limit) iterable = results[mode_dict["key"]]["items"] item_list = [] for i in iterable: fmt = PartialFormatter() text = fmt.format(mode_dict["format"], **i) if mode_dict["requires_extra"]: text = "{} - {} [{}]".format( text, self.format_duration(i["duration"]), "HI-RES" if i["hires_streamable"] else "LOSSLESS", ) url = "{}{}/{}".format(WEB_URL, item_type, i.get("id", "")) item_list.append({"text": text, "url": url} if not lucky else url) return item_list except (KeyError, IndexError): print("Invalid mode: " + item_type) return def interactive(self, download=True): try: from pick import pick except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): if == "nt": print('Please install curses with "pip3 install windows-curses"') return raise qualities = [ {"q_string": "320", "q": 5}, {"q_string": "Lossless", "q": 6}, {"q_string": "Hi-res =< 96kHz", "q": 7}, {"q_string": "Hi-Res > 96 kHz", "q": 27}, ] def get_title_text(option): return option.get("text") def get_quality_text(option): return option.get("q_string") try: item_types = ["Albums", "Tracks", "Artists", "Playlists"] selected_type = pick(item_types, "I'll search for:\n[press Intro]")[0][ :-1 ].lower() print("Ok, we'll search for " + selected_type + "s") final_url_list = [] while True: query = input("\nEnter your search: [Ctrl + c to quit]\n- ") print("Searching...") options = self.search_by_type( query, selected_type, self.interactive_limit ) if not options: print("Nothing found!") continue title = ( '*** RESULTS FOR "{}" ***\n\n' "Select [space] the item(s) you want to download " "(one or more)\nPress Ctrl + c to quit\n" "Don't select anything to try another search".format(query.title()) ) selected_items = pick( options, title, multiselect=True, min_selection_count=0, options_map_func=get_title_text, ) if len(selected_items) > 0: [final_url_list.append(i[0]["url"]) for i in selected_items] y_n = pick( ["Yes", "No"], "Items were added to queue to be downloaded. Keep searching?", ) if y_n[0][0] == "N": break else: print("\nOk, try again...") continue if final_url_list: desc = ( "Select [intro] the quality (the quality will be automat" "ically\ndowngraded if the selected is not found)" ) self.quality = pick( qualities, desc, default_index=1, options_map_func=get_quality_text, )[0]["q"] if download: self.download_list_of_urls(final_url_list) return final_url_list except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nBye") return def download_lastfm_pl(self, playlist_url): # Apparently, last fm API doesn't have a playlist endpoint. If you # find out that it has, please fix this! r = requests.get(playlist_url) soup = bso(r.content, "html.parser") artists = [artist.text for artist in] titles = [title.text for title in] if len(artists) == len(titles) and artists: track_list = [ artist + " " + title for artist, title in zip(artists, titles) ] if not track_list: print("Nothing found") return pl_title = sanitize_filename(soup.select_one("h1").text) pl_directory = os.path.join(, pl_title) print("Downloading playlist: " + pl_title) for i in track_list: track_id = self.get_id(self.search_by_type(i, "track", 1, lucky=True)[0]) if track_id: self.download_from_id(track_id, False, pl_directory) self.make_m3u(pl_directory) def make_m3u(self, pl_directory): if self.no_m3u_for_playlists: return track_list = ["#EXTM3U"] pl_name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(pl_directory)) + ".m3u" for local, dirs, files in os.walk(pl_directory): dirs.sort() audio_files = [ os.path.abspath(os.path.join(local, file_)) for file_ in files if os.path.splitext(file_)[-1] in EXTENSIONS ] if not audio_files: continue for audio in audio_files: try: pl_item = EasyMP3(audio) if ".mp3" in audio else FLAC(audio) title = pl_item["TITLE"][0] artist = pl_item["ARTIST"][0] length = int( index = "#EXTINF:{}, {} - {}\n{}".format( length, artist, title, audio ) except: # noqa continue track_list.append(index) if len(track_list) > 1: with open(os.path.join(, pl_name), "w") as pl: pl.write("\n\n".join(track_list))