import argparse import base64 import configparser import os import re import sys from pick import pick from pathvalidate import sanitize_filename import qobuz_dl.spoofbuz as spoofbuz from qobuz_dl import downloader, qopy from import Search from qobuz_dl.commands import qobuz_dl_args if == "nt": OS_CONFIG = os.environ.get("APPDATA") else: OS_CONFIG = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".config") CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(OS_CONFIG, "qobuz-dl") CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(CONFIG_PATH, "config.ini") QUALITIES = {5: "320", 6: "LOSSLESS", 7: "24B <96KHZ", 27: "24B <196KHZ"} def reset_config(config_file): print("Creating config file: " + config_file) config = configparser.ConfigParser() config["DEFAULT"]["email"] = input("\nEnter your email:\n- ") config["DEFAULT"]["password"] = base64.b64encode( input("\nEnter your password\n- ").encode() ).decode() config["DEFAULT"]["default_folder"] = ( input("\nFolder for downloads (leave empy for default 'Qobuz Downloads')\n- ") or "Qobuz Downloads" ) config["DEFAULT"]["default_quality"] = ( input( "\nDownload quality (5, 6, 7, 27) " "[320, LOSSLESS, 24B <96KHZ, 24B >96KHZ]" "\n(leave empy for default '6')\n- " ) or "6" ) config["DEFAULT"]["default_limit"] = "10" print("Getting tokens. Please wait...") spoofer = spoofbuz.Spoofer() config["DEFAULT"]["app_id"] = str(spoofer.getAppId()) config["DEFAULT"]["secrets"] = ",".join(spoofer.getSecrets().values()) with open(config_file, "w") as configfile: config.write(configfile) print("Config file updated.") def musicDir(directory): fix = os.path.normpath(directory) if not os.path.isdir(fix): print("New directory created: " + fix) os.makedirs(fix, exist_ok=True) return fix def get_id(url): return re.match( r"https?://(?:w{0,3}|play|open)\.qobuz\.com/(?:(?:album|track|artist" "|playlist|label)/|[a-z]{2}-[a-z]{2}/album/-?\w+(?:-\w+)*-?/|user/library/favorites/)(\w+)", url, ).group(1) def processSelected(Qz, path, albums, ids, types, quality, embed_art=False): quality = [i for i in QUALITIES.keys()][quality[1]] for alb, id_, type_ in zip(albums, ids, types): for al in alb: downloader.download_id_by_type( Qz, id_[al[1]], path, quality, True if type_[al[1]] else False, embed_art, ) def fromUrl(Qz, id, path, quality, album=True, embed_art=False): downloader.download_id_by_type(Qz, id, path, str(quality), album, embed_art) def handle_urls(url, client, path, quality, embed_art=False): possibles = { "playlist": {"func": client.get_plist_meta, "iterable_key": "tracks"}, "artist": {"func": client.get_artist_meta, "iterable_key": "albums"}, "label": {"func": client.get_label_meta, "iterable_key": "albums"}, "album": {"album": True, "func": None, "iterable_key": None}, "track": {"album": False, "func": None, "iterable_key": None}, } try: url_type = url.split("/")[3] type_dict = possibles[url_type] item_id = get_id(url) except (KeyError, IndexError): print('Invalid url: "{}". Use urls from!'.format(url)) return if type_dict["func"]: content = [item for item in type_dict["func"](item_id)] content_name = content[0]["name"] print( "\nDownloading all the music from {} ({})!".format(content_name, url_type) ) new_path = musicDir(os.path.join(path, sanitize_filename(content_name))) items = [item[type_dict["iterable_key"]]["items"] for item in content][0] for item in items: fromUrl( client, item["id"], new_path, quality, True if type_dict["iterable_key"] == "albums" else False, embed_art, ) else: fromUrl(client, item_id, path, quality, type_dict["album"], embed_art) def interactive(Qz, path, limit, tracks=True, embed_art=False): while True: Albums, Types, IDs = [], [], [] try: while True: query = input("\nEnter your search: [Ctrl + c to quit]\n- ") print("Searching...") if len(query.strip()) == 0: break start = Search(Qz, query, limit) start.getResults(tracks) if len(start.Total) == 0: break Types.append(start.Types) IDs.append(start.IDs) title = ( "Select [space] the item(s) you want to download " "(zero or more)\nPress Ctrl + c to quit\n" ) Selected = pick( start.Total, title, multiselect=True, min_selection_count=0 ) if len(Selected) > 0: Albums.append(Selected) y_n = pick( ["Yes", "No"], "Items were added to queue to be downloaded. Keep searching?", ) if y_n[0][0] == "N": break else: break if len(Albums) > 0: desc = ( "Select [intro] the quality (the quality will be automat" "ically\ndowngraded if the selected is not found)" ) Qualits = ["320", "Lossless", "Hi-res =< 96kHz", "Hi-Res > 96 kHz"] quality = pick(Qualits, desc, default_index=1) processSelected(Qz, path, Albums, IDs, Types, quality, embed_art) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit("\nBye") def download_by_txt_file(Qz, txt_file, path, quality, embed_art=False): with open(txt_file, "r") as txt: try: urls = except Exception as e: print("Invalid text file: " + str(e)) return print( 'qobuz-dl will download {} urls from file: "{}"\n'.format( len(urls), txt_file ) ) for url in urls: handle_urls(url, Qz, path, quality, embed_art) def download_lucky_mode(Qz, mode, query, limit, path, quality, embed_art=False): if len(query) < 3: sys.exit("Your search query is too short or invalid!") print( 'Searching {}s for "{}".\n' "qobuz-dl will attempt to download the first {} results.".format( mode, query, limit ) ) WEB_URL = "" possibles = { "album": { "func": Qz.search_albums, "album": True, "key": "albums", }, "artist": { "func": Qz.search_artists, "album": True, "key": "artists", }, "track": { "func": Qz.search_tracks, "album": False, "key": "tracks", }, "playlist": { "func": Qz.search_playlists, "album": False, "key": "playlists", }, } try: mode_dict = possibles[mode] results = mode_dict["func"](query, limit) iterable = results[mode_dict["key"]]["items"] # Use handle_urls as everything is already handled there :p urls = ["{}{}/{}".format(WEB_URL, mode, i["id"]) for i in iterable] print("Found {} results!".format(len(urls))) for url in urls: handle_urls(url, Qz, path, quality, embed_art) except (KeyError, IndexError): sys.exit("Invalid mode: " + str(mode)) def main(): if not os.path.isdir(CONFIG_PATH) or not os.path.isfile(CONFIG_FILE): try: os.makedirs(CONFIG_PATH, exist_ok=True) except FileExistsError: pass reset_config(CONFIG_FILE) if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.exit(qobuz_dl_args().print_help()) email = None password = None app_id = None secrets = None config = configparser.ConfigParser() try: email = config["DEFAULT"]["email"] password = base64.b64decode(config["DEFAULT"]["password"]).decode() default_folder = config["DEFAULT"]["default_folder"] default_limit = config["DEFAULT"]["default_limit"] default_quality = config["DEFAULT"]["default_quality"] app_id = config["DEFAULT"]["app_id"] secrets = [ secret for secret in config["DEFAULT"]["secrets"].split(",") if secret ] arguments = qobuz_dl_args( default_quality, default_limit, default_folder ).parse_args() except (KeyError, UnicodeDecodeError): arguments = qobuz_dl_args().parse_args() if not arguments.reset: print("Your config file is corrupted! Run 'qobuz-dl -r' to fix this\n") if arguments.reset: sys.exit(reset_config(CONFIG_FILE)) directory = musicDir( Qz = qopy.Client(email, password, app_id, secrets) try: quality_str = QUALITIES[int(arguments.quality)] print("Quality set: " + quality_str) except KeyError: sys.exit("Invalid quality!") if arguments.command == "fun": sys.exit( interactive( Qz, directory, arguments.limit, not arguments.albums_only, arguments.embed_art, ) ) if arguments.command == "dl": for url in arguments.SOURCE: if os.path.isfile(url): download_by_txt_file( Qz, url, directory, arguments.quality, arguments.embed_art ) else: handle_urls(url, Qz, directory, arguments.quality, arguments.embed_art) else: download_lucky_mode( Qz, arguments.type, " ".join(arguments.QUERY), arguments.number, directory, arguments.quality, arguments.embed_art, ) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())