#![allow(non_snake_case)] use std::{num::ParseIntError, str::FromStr}; use musichoard::{ collection::album::{Album, AlbumDate, AlbumId}, external::musicbrainz::api::{client::MusicBrainzApiClient, MusicBrainzApi}, interface::musicbrainz::{IMusicBrainz, Mbid}, }; use structopt::StructOpt; use uuid::Uuid; const USER_AGENT: &str = concat!( "MusicHoard---examples---musicbrainz-api---search-release-group/", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), " ( musichoard@thenineworlds.net )" ); #[derive(StructOpt)] struct Opt { #[structopt(help = "Release group's artist MBID")] arid: Uuid, #[structopt(help = "Release group title")] title: String, #[structopt(help = "Release group release date")] date: Option, } struct Date(AlbumDate); impl FromStr for Date { type Err = ParseIntError; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { let mut elems = s.split('-'); let elem = elems.next(); let year = elem.map(|s| s.parse()).transpose()?; let elem = elems.next(); let month = elem.map(|s| s.parse()).transpose()?; let elem = elems.next(); let day = elem.map(|s| s.parse()).transpose()?; Ok(Date(AlbumDate::new(year, month, day))) } } impl From for AlbumDate { fn from(value: Date) -> Self { value.0 } } fn main() { let opt = Opt::from_args(); println!("USER_AGENT: {USER_AGENT}"); let client = MusicBrainzApiClient::new(USER_AGENT).expect("failed to create API client"); let mut api = MusicBrainzApi::new(client); let arid: Mbid = opt.arid.into(); let date: AlbumDate = opt.date.map(Into::into).unwrap_or_default(); let album = Album::new(AlbumId::new(opt.title), date, None, vec![]); let matches = api .search_release_group(&arid, album) .expect("failed to make API call"); println!("{matches:#?}"); }