\section{Numerical Simulations}\label{sec:numerical} \subsection{The Algorithm} We solve the two-particle Schr\"{o}dinger equation for the Hamiltonian \eqref{eq:main} via the explicit staggered method \cite{numerics}. We choose our units such that $\hbar = 1$ and the neutron mass $m_n = 1$. The wave function is evaluated on a grid of discrete values for the independent variables \begin{equation} \Psi(x_1, x_2, t) = \Psi(x_1 = l\Delta x, x_2 = m\Delta x, t = n\Delta t) \equiv \Psi^n_{l, m}, \end{equation} where $l$, $m$ and $n$ are integers. We separate it into real and imaginary parts, \begin{equation} \Psi^n_{l,m} = u^{n+1}_{l,m} + iv^{n+1}_{l,m}, \end{equation} which allows us to solve the Schr\"{o}dinger equation via a finite difference method with a pair of coupled equations: \begin{equation} \begin{array} {lcl} u^{n+1}_{l,m} & = & u^{n-1}_{l,m} - \left\{ \alpha \left[ v^n_{l+1,m} + v^n_{l-1,m} + v^n_{l,m+1} + v^n_{l,m-1} - 4v^n_{l,m} \right] - 2 \Delta t V_{l,m}v^n_{l,m} \right\} , \end{array} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \begin{array} {lcl} v^{n+1}_{l,m} & = & v^{n-1}_{l,m} + \left\{ \alpha \left[ u^n_{l+1,m} + u^n_{l-1,m} + u^n_{l,m+1} + u^n_{l,m-1} - 4u^n_{l,m} \right] - 2 \Delta t V_{l,m}u^n_{l,m} \right\}, \end{array} \end{equation} where \begin{equation} \alpha = g^{xx}\frac{\Delta t}{\Delta x^2}, \end{equation} and $V_{l,m}$ is the combined value of the potential due to the harmonic well and neutron-neutron interaction on the discretised grid given by \begin{equation} V_{l,m} = \frac{1}{2}\omega^2(l^2 + m^2)\Delta x^2 + \nu\delta_{l,m}. \end{equation} In order to evaluate the value of the real part at step $n+1$ we need to know the values of the real part at $n-1$ and the imaginary part at $n$. The same is true for evaluating the imaginary part. Therefore, we do not have to calculate both parts at every time step and we compute the real and imaginary parts at slightly different (staggered) times. The form of the discretised equations is identical to those presentied in \cite{numerics}. However, the value of $\alpha$ is now scaled by the oscillating metric tensor component $g^{xx}$. This novel modification does not lead to instabilities and simulations have been confirmed to conserve probability to the same precision as before. For the more general Laplacian \eqref{eq:general}, the equations have to be modified even further and new terms are introduced for the wavefunction's first derivative terms present. This too, does not cause instabilities and conserves probability very well.