\section{Conclusions}\label{sec:conclusions} We have proposed and investigated the feasibility of an experiment to detect gravitational waves using the entanglement of two neutrons trapped in a harmonic well. The quantum dynamics of the two particles lead to entanglement which is affected by the presence of gravitational radiation. We have shown that entanglement amplifies the effect of high frequency gravitational waves on the wavefunction. However, for realistic values of the wave amplitudes the effect is too small to be measured in a device with the dimensions of a typical multilayer. The effects of gravitational waves were combined with the quantum dynamics of the two neutrons in the weak-field limit, where the linearised field equation could be used. The effects of the oscillating metric were combined with the Schr\"{o}dinger equation by modifying the kinetic energy term. The potential due to the harmonic well and the inter-nucleon interaction remained unchanged. Numerical solutions to the modified time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation were obtained with the explicit staggered method. It was shown that there are two different behaviour regimes. For low frequency waves there are no additional quantum effects and the difference in the final quantum state is due to the different classical particle trajectories. These waves were not investigated as there are better ways of detecting them. However, the high frequency regime couples with the particle interaction and the effect is strongly dependent on its strength and is maximised close to the value for which the particles maximally entangle. This is an interesting result as it is a possible mechanism for detecting high frequency gravitational waves. However, for any experimentally accessible values we would not observe anything as the neutron-neutron interaction is too strong for any entanglement to be generated via the system's dynamics alone. This experiment is not solely limited by the size of the signal. One other issue that would be difficult to resolve when building such an experiment is the isolation of the system from all environmental effects except for the gravitational waves. We have shown that the effect of radiation on the quantum state is extremely small and that entanglement is a key element, but with current technologies it is difficult to even maintain entangled resources for times longer than a few nanoseconds \cite{decoherence} unless we are working with trapped particles in ultra-high vacuum. Limiting undesirable decoherence is difficult with current technology and so any effects due to gravitational waves would be unobservable.