%******************************************************************************* %*********************************** Fourth Chapter ***************************** %******************************************************************************* \chapter{Quantum Measurement Backaction} % Title of the Fourth Chapter \ifpdf \graphicspath{{Chapter4/Figs/Raster/}{Chapter4/Figs/PDF/}{Chapter4/Figs/}} \else \graphicspath{{Chapter4/Figs/Vector/}{Chapter4/Figs/}} \fi %********************************** %First Section ************************************** \section{Introduction} This thesis is entirely concerned with the question of measuring a quantum many-body system using quantized light. However, so far we have only looked at expectation values in a nondestructive context where we neglect the effect of the quantum wavefunction collapse. We have shown that light provides information about various statistical quantities of the quantum states of the atoms such as their correlation functions. In general, any quantum measurement affects the system even if it doesn't physically destroy it. In our model both optical and matter fields are quantized and their interaction leads to entanglement between the two subsystems. When a photon is detected and the electromagnetic wavefunction of the optical field collapses, the matter state is also affected due to this entanglement resulting in quantum measurement backaction. Therefore, in order to determine these quantities multiple measurements have to be performed to establish a precise measurement of the expectation value which will require repeated preparations of the initial state. In the following chapters, we consider a different approach to quantum measurement in open systems and instead of considering expectation values we look at a single experimental run and the resulting dynamics due to measurement backaction. Previously we were mostly interested in extracting information about the quantum state of the atoms from the scattered light. The flexibility in the measurement model was used to enable probing of as many different quantum properties of the ultracold gas as possible. By focusing on measurement backaction we instead investigate the effect of photodetections on the dynamics of the many-body gas as well as the possible quantum states that we can prepare instead of what information can be extracted. In this chapter, we introduce the necessary theory of quantum measurement and backaction in open systems in order to lay a foundation for the material that follows in which we apply these concepts to a bosonic quantum gas. We first introduce the concept of quantum trajectories which represent a single continuous series of photon detections. We also present an alternative approach to open systems in which the measurement outcomes are discarded as this will be useful when trying to learn about dynamical features common to every trajectory. In this case we use the density matrix formalism which obeys the master equation. This approach is more common in dissipative systems and we will highlight the differences between these two different types of open systems. We conclude this chapter with a new concept that will be central to all subsequent discussions. In our model measurement is global, it couples to operators that correspond to global properties of the quantum gas rather than single-site quantities. This enables the possibility of performing measurements that cannot distinguish certain sites from each other. Due to a lack of ``which-way'' information this leads to the creation of spatially nontrivial virtual lattices on top of the physical lattice. This turns out to have significant consequences on the dynamics of the system. \section{Quantum Trajectories} A simple intuitive concept of a quantum trajectory is that it is the path taken by a quantum state over time during a single experimental realisation. In particular, we consider states conditioned upon measurement results such as the photodetection times. Such a trajectory is generally stochastic in nature as light scattering is not a deterministic process. Furthermore, they are in general discotinuous as each detection event brings about a drastic change in the quantum state due to the wavefunction collapse of the light field. Before we discuss specifics relevant to our model of quantized light interacting with a quantum gas we present a more general overview which will be useful as some of the results in the following chapters are more general. Measurement always consists of at least two competing processes, two possible outcomes. If there is no competition and only one outcome is possible then our measurement is meaningless as it does not reveal any information about the system. In its simplest form measurement consists of a series of events, such as the detections of photons. Even though, on an intuitive level it seems that we have defined only a single outcome, the event, this arrangement actually consists of two mutually exclusive outcomes. At any point in time an event either happens or it does not, a photon is either detected or the detector remains silent, also known as a null result. Both outcomes reveal some information about the system we are investigating. For example, let us consider measuring the number of atoms by measuring the number of photons they scatter. Each atom will on average scatter a certain number of photons contributing to the detection rate we observe. Therefore, if we record multiple photons at a high rate we learn that the illuminated region must contain many atoms. On the other hand, if there are few atoms to scatter the light we will observe few detection events which we interpret as a continuous series of non-detection events interspersed with the occasional detector click. This trajectory informs us that there are much fewer atoms being illuminated than previously. Basic quantum mechanics tells us that such measurements will in general affect the quantum state in some way. Each event will cause a discontinuous quantum jump in the wavefunction of the system and it will have a jump operator, $\c$, associated with it. The effect of an event on the quantum state is simply the result of applying this jump operator to the wavefunction, $| \psi (t) \rangle$, \begin{equation} | \psi(t + \mathrm{d}t) \rangle = \frac{\c | \psi(t) \rangle} {\sqrt{\langle \cd \c \rangle (t)}}, \end{equation} where the denominator is simply a normalising factor. The exact form of the jump operator $\c$ will depend on the nature of the measurement we are considering. For example, if we consider measuring the photons escaping from a leaky cavity then $\c = \sqrt{2 \kappa} \hat{a}$, where $\kappa$ is the cavity decay rate and $\hat{a}$ is the annihilation operator of a photon in the cavity field. The null measurement outcome has to be treated differently as it does not occur at discrete time points like the detection events themselves. Its effect is accounted for by a modification to the isolated Hamiltonian, $\hat{H}_0$, time evolution in the form \begin{equation} | \psi (t + \mathrm{d}t) \rangle = \left\{ \hat{1} - \mathrm{d}t \left[ i \hat{H}_0 + \frac{\cd \c}{2} - \frac{\langle \cd \c \rangle (t)}{2} \right] \right\} | \psi (t) \rangle. \end{equation} The effect of both outcomes can be included in a single stochastic Schr\"{o}dinger equation given by \begin{equation} \label{eq:SSE} \mathrm{d} | \psi(t) \rangle = \left[ \mathrm{d} N(t) \left( \frac{\c} {\sqrt{ \langle \cd \c \rangle (t)}} - \hat{1} \right) + \mathrm{d} t \left( \frac{\langle \cd \c \rangle (t)}{2} - \frac{ \cd \c}{2} - i \hat{H} \right) \right] | \psi(t) \rangle, \end{equation} where $\mathrm{d}N(t)$ is the stochastic increment to the number of photodetections up to time $t$ which is equal to $1$ whenever a quantum jump occurs and $0$ otherwise. Note that this equation has a straightforward generalisation to multiple jump operators which we do not consider here at all. All trajectories that we calculate in the follwing chapters are described by the stochastic Schr\"{o}dinger equation in Eq. \eqref{eq:SSE}. The most straightforward way to solve it is to replace the differentials by small time-setps $\delta t$. Then we generate a random number $R(t)$ at every time-step and a jump is applied, i.e.~$\mathrm{d}N(t) = 1$, if \begin{equation} R(t) < \langle \cd \c \rangle (t) \delta t. \end{equation} \section{The Master Equation} \section{Global Measurement and ``Which-Way'' Information}