Finished section on D-op scattering in chapter 3

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Wojciech Kozlowski 2016-07-17 22:34:59 +01:00
parent 86e3b2644c
commit ec18bd353e
2 changed files with 149 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ Eq. \eqref{eq:D-3} into our expression for $R$ in Eq. \eqref{eq:R} and
we will make use of the shorthand notation
$A_i = u_1^*(\b{r}_i) u_0(\b{r}_i)$. The result is
R = |C|^2 \sum_{i,j}^K A^*_i A_j \langle \delta \hat{n}_i \delta
\hat{n}_j \rangle,
@ -176,35 +177,46 @@ measure the quadrature of the light fields which in section
case when both the scattered mode and probe are travelling waves the
\hat{X}^F_\beta = \frac{1}{2} \left( \hat{F} e^{-i \beta} +
\hat{F}^\dagger e^{i \beta} \right) = \sum_i^K \hat{n}_i\cos[(\b{k}_1 - \b{k}_2) \cdot
\b{r}_i - \beta].
\hat{F}^\dagger e^{i \beta} \right) = \sum_i^K \hat{n}_i\cos[(\b{k}_0 - \b{k}_1) \cdot
\b{r}_i + (\phi_0 - \phi_1) - \beta].
Note that different light quadratures are differently coupled to the
atom distribution, hence by varying the local oscillator phase, and
thus effectively $\beta$, and/or the detection angle one can scan the
whole range of couplings. A similar expression exists for $\hat{D}$
for a standing wave probe, where $\beta$ is replaced by $\varphi_0$,
and scanning is achieved by varying the position of the wave with
respect to atoms.
for a standing wave probe, where instead of varying $\beta$ scanning
is achieved by varying the position of the wave with respect to
atoms. Additionally, the quadrature variance, $(\Delta X^F_\beta)^2$,
will have a similar form to $R$ given in Eq. \eqref{eq:Rfluc},
(\Delta X^F_\beta)^2 = |C|^2 \sum_{i.j}^K A_i^\beta A_j^\beta
\langle \dn_i \dn_j \rangle,
where $A_i^\beta = (A_i e^{-i\beta} + A_i^* e^{i \beta})/2$. However,
this has the advantage that unlike in the case of $R$ there is no need
to subtract a spatially varying classical signal to obtain this
The ``quantum addition'', $R$, and the quadrature variance, $(\Delta
X^F_\beta)^2$, are both quadratic in $\a_1$ and both rely heavily on
the quantum state of the matter. Therefore, they will have a
nontrivial angular dependence, showing more peaks than classical
The ``quantum addition'', $R$, and the quadrature variance,
$(\Delta X^F_\beta)^2$, are both quadratic in $\a_1$ and both rely
heavily on the quantum state of the matter. Therefore, they will have
a nontrivial angular dependence, showing more peaks than classical
diffraction. Furthermore, these peaks can be tuned very easily with
$\beta$ or $\varphi_l$. Fig. \ref{fig:scattering} shows the angular
dependence of $R$ for the case when the scattered mode is a standing
wave and the probe is a travelling wave scattering from bosons in a 3D
optical lattice. The first noticeable feature is the isotropic
background which does not exist in classical diffraction. This
background yields information about density fluctuations which,
according to mean-field estimates (i.e.~inter-site correlations are
ignored), are related by $R = K( \langle \hat{n}^2 \rangle - \langle
\hat{n} \rangle^2 )/2$. In Fig. \ref{fig:scattering} we can see a
significant signal of $R = |C|^2 N_K/2$, because it shows scattering
from an ideal superfluid which has significant density fluctuations
with correlations of infinte range. However, as the parameters of the
wave and the probe is a travelling wave scattering from an ideal
superfluid in a 3D optical lattice. The first noticeable feature is
the isotropic background which does not exist in classical
diffraction. This background yields information about density
fluctuations which, according to mean-field estimates (i.e.~inter-site
correlations are ignored), are related by
$R = K( \langle \hat{n}^2 \rangle - \langle \hat{n} \rangle^2 )/2$. In
Fig. \ref{fig:scattering} we can see a significant signal of
$R = |C|^2 N_K/2$, because it shows scattering from an ideal
superfluid which has significant density fluctuations with
correlations of infinte range. However, as the parameters of the
lattice are tuned across the phase transition into a Mott insulator
the signal goes to zero. This is because the Mott insulating phase has
well localised atoms at each site which suppresses density
@ -233,20 +245,125 @@ classical Bragg condition is actually not satisfied which means there
actually is no classical diffraction on top of the ``quantum
addition'' shown here. Therefore, these features would be easy to see
in an experiment as they wouldn't be masked by a stronger classical
signal. We can even derive the generalised Bragg conditions for the
peaks that we can see in Fig. \ref{fig:scattering}.
signal. This difference in behaviour is due to the fact that
classical diffraction is ignorant of any quantum correlations. This
signal is given by the square of the light field amplitude squared
|\langle \a_1 \rangle|^2 = |C|^2 \sum_{i,j} A_i^*
A_j \langle \n_i \rangle \langle \n_j \rangle,
which is idependent of any two-point correlations unlike $R$. On the
other hand the full light intensity (classical signal plus ``quantum
addition'') of the quantum light does include higher-order
\langle \ad_1 \a_1 \rangle = |C|^2 \sum_{i,j} A_i^*
A_j \langle \n_i \n_j \rangle.
Therefore, we see that in the fully quantum picture light scattering
not only depends on the diffraction structure due to the distribution
of atoms in the lattice, but also on the quantum correlations between
different lattice sites which will be dependent on the quantum state
of the matter. These correlations are imprinted in $R$ as shown in
Eq. \eqref{eq:Rfluc} and it highlights the key feature of our model,
i.e.~the light couples to the quantum state directly via operators.
\mynote{Derive and show these Bragg conditions below}
We can even derive the generalised Bragg conditions for the peaks that
we can see in Fig. \ref{fig:scattering}. The exact conditions under
which diffraction peaks emerge for the ``quantum addition'' will
depend on the optical setup as well as on the quantum state of the
matter as it is the density fluctuation correlations,
$\langle \dn_i \dn_j \rangle$, that provide the structure for $R$ and
not the lattice itself as seen in Eq. \eqref{eq:Rfluc}. For classical
light it is straightforward to develop an intuitive physical picture
to find the Bragg condition by considering angles at which the
distance travelled by light scattered from different points in the
lattice is equal to an integer multiple of wavelength. The ``quantum
addition'' is more complicated and less intuitive as we now have to
consider quantum correlations which are not only nonlocal, but can
also be nagative.
As $(\Delta X^F_\beta)^2$ and $R$ are quadratic variables,
the generalized Bragg conditions for the peaks are
$2 \Delta \b{k} = \b{G}$ for quadratures of travelling waves, where
$\Delta \b{k} = \b{k}_0 - \b{k}_1$ and $\b{G}$ is the reciprocal
lattice vector, and $2 \b{k}_1 = \b{G}$ for standing wave $\a_1$ and
travelling $\a_0$, which is clearly different from the classical Bragg
condition $\Delta \b{k} = \b{G}$. The peak height is tunable by the
local oscillator phase or standing wave shift as seen in Fig.
We will consider scattering from a superfluid, because the Mott
insulator has no ``quantum addition'' due to a lack of density
fluctuations. The wavefunction of a superfluid on a lattice is given
\frac{1}{\sqrt{M^N N!}} \left( \sum_i^M \bd_i \right)^N |0 \rangle,
where $| 0 \rangle$ denotes the vacuum state. This state has infinte
range correlations and thus has the convenient property that all
two-point density fluctuation correlations are equal regardless of
their separation,
i.e.~$\langle \dn_i \dn_j \rangle \equiv \langle \dn_a \dn_b \rangle$
for all $(i \ne j)$, where the right hand side is a constant
value. This allows us to extract all correlations from the sum in
Eq. \eqref{eq:Rfluc} to obtain
\frac{R}{|C|^2} = (\langle \dn^2 \rangle - \langle \dn_a \dn_b \rangle) \sum_i^K
|A_i|^2 + \langle \dn_a \dn_b \rangle |A|^2 = \frac{N}{M} \sum_i^K
|A_i|^2 - \frac{N}{M^2} |A|^2,
where $A = \sum_i^K A_i$, and we have dropped the index from
$\langle \dn^2 \rangle$ as it is equal at every site. The second
equality follows from the fact that for a superfluid state
$\langle \dn^2 \rangle = N/M - N/M^2$ and
$\langle \dn_a \dn_b \rangle = -N/M^2$. Naturally, we get an identical
expression for the quadrature variance $(\Delta X^F_\beta)^2$ with the
coefficients $A_i$ replaced by the real $A_i^\beta$.
The ``quantum addition'' for the case when both the scattered and
probe modes are travelling waves is actually trivial. It has no peaks
and thus it has no generalised Bragg condition and it only consists of
a uniform background. This is a consequence of the fact that
travelling waves couple equally strongly with every site as only the
phase differs. Therefore, since superfluid correlations lack structure
as they're uniform we do no get a strong coherent peak. The
contribution from the lattice structure is included in the classical
Bragg peaks which we have subtracted in order to obtain the quantity
$R$. However, if we consider the case where the scattered mode is
collected as a standing wave using a pair of mirrors we get the
diffraction pattern that we saw in Fig. \ref{fig:scattering}. This
time we get strong visible peaks, because at certain angles the
standing wave couples to the atoms maximally at all lattice sites and
thus it uses the structure of the lattice to amplify the signal from
the quantum fluctuations. This becomes clear when we look at
Eq. \eqref{eq:RSF}. We can neglect the second term as it is always
negative and it has the same angular distribution as the classical
diffraction pattern and thus it is mostly zero except when the
classical Bragg condition is satisfied. Since in
Fig. \ref{fig:scattering} we have chosen an angle such that the Bragg
is not satisfied this term is essentially zero. Therefore, we are left
with the first term $\sum_i^K |A_i|^2$ which for a travelling wave
probe and a standing wave scattered mode is
\sum_i^K |A_i|^2 = \sum_i^K \cos^2(\b{k}_0 \cdot \b{r}_i + \phi_0) =
\frac{1}{2} \sum_i^K \left[1 + \cos(2 \b{k}_0 \cdot \b{r}_i + 2
\phi_0) \right].
Therefore, it is straightforward to see that unless
$2 \b{k}_0 = \b{G}$, where $\b{G}$ is a reciprocal lattice vector,
there will be no coherent signal and we end up with the mean uniform
signal of strength $N_k/2$. When this condition is satisifed all the
cosine terms will be equal and they will add up constructively instead
of cancelling each other out. Note that this new Bragg condition is
different from the classical one $\b{k}_0 - \b{k}_1 = \b{G}$. This
result makes it clear that the uniform background signal is not due to
any coherent scattering, but rather due to the lack of structure in
the quantum correlations. Furthermore, we see that the peak height is
actually tunable via the phase, $\phi_0$, which is illustrated in
Fig. \ref{fig:scattering}b.
For light field quadratures the situation is different, because as we
have seen in Eq. \eqref{eq:Xtrav} even for travelling waves we can
tune the contributions to the signal from different sites by changing
the angle of measurement or tuning the local oscillator signal
$\beta$. The rest is similar to the case we discussed for $R$ with a
standing wave mode and we can show that the new Bragg condition in
this case is $2 (\b{k}_0 - \b{k}_1) = \b{G}$ which is different from
the condition we had for $R$ and is still different from the classical
condition $2 (\b{k}_0 - \b{k}_1) = \b{G}$. Furthermore, just like in
Fig. \ref{fig:scattering}b the peak height can be tuned using $\beta$.
A quantum signal that isn't masked by classical diffraction is very
useful for future experimental realisability. However, it is still

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@ -205,6 +205,7 @@
\newcommand{\dn}{\delta \hat{n}}
\renewcommand{\a}{a} % in case we decide to put hats on