Loki ==== Docker files for my server, Loki. Installation ------------ The following command will install the service file, reload systemd, and enable the service :: make install Uninstall with :: make uninstall Usage ----- To start the service run :: service loki-server start To stop run :: service loki-server stop To restart :: service loki-server restart Note that ``docker-compose`` might have issues with HTTP timeout so you may have to increase the ``COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT`` environment variable. ``300`` should be enough. Updating -------- To update the images and restart run ``WARNING: THIS WILL REMOVE ALL DANGLING DOCKER IMAGES`` :: ./update.sh A dangling image is one that does not have a tag, i.e., it is listed with a ```` tag. The update pulls new versions of the images being used so all old images will now be left untagged and thus removed. However, if you have other untagged images, this will remove them as well.