.emacs.d ======== My personal Emacs configuration. Installation ------------ Just clone this repository into your home directory: :: git clone https://github.com/Wojtek242/.emacs.d ~/.emacs.d This configuration uses the `Source Code Pro`_ font. If you do not have it installed and it isn't available through your distribution you can install the font by running :: git clone https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro.git --branch release ~/.local/source-code-pro sudo cp ~/.local/source-code-pro/OTF/*.otf /usr/local/share/fonts After cloning the repository and waiting for all packages to install on the first startup you will also have to run the following command from within Emacs in order to get all the icons used by the modeline :: M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts Rust support ------------ If you would like to use this configuration with the Rust programming language you will want to also clone the submodules to get the patched version of Racer and Deferred so when cloning remember to use the ``--recursive`` option :: git clone --recursive https://github.com/Wojtek242/.emacs.d ~/.emacs.d You will also have to install the ``racer`` (available on crates.io) and the Rust standard library sources. Furthermore, you will need to set the environment variable ``RUST_SRC_PATH`` to point at this source directory. Package Management ------------------ This ``.emacs.d`` uses its own small framework for package management located in the ``emodule`` directory. Its operation is heavily inspired by Spacemacs_, but is much smaller with fewer features and thus simpler. The purpose of using such a package manager is to ensure that all packages are always installed before any configuration happens. Furthermore, it will also remove all unused packages and manage upgrades and backups. Package configuration happens in the ``modules`` directory. A file called ``MODULE.el`` corresponds to an individual ``MODULE``. Inside each module file, all the pre-requisite packages must be defined in a variable called ``emodule/MODULE-packages`` and all package configuration must be done in a single function called ``emodule/MODULE-init``. Each module must also be added to the ``emodule/init`` call in the ``init.el`` file. The ``emodule`` package manager runs during every startup. It will first ensure all packages are installed before it runs any ``init`` functions so it is safe to write configuration for packages that depends on other packages without any concerns about ordering. This applies even if the configuration is spread across multiple modules. When Emacs is first launched with this configuration it will download all the ``Elpa`` and ``Melpa`` packages that it needs so the first startup takes much longer to complete. Upgrades are supported and can be initiated either from the home screen or by calling ``emodule/upgrade``. I don't like tracking ``elpa`` with git as it introduces a lot of code churn and makes analysing diffs, especially between distant commits, very difficult. Instead, on each upgrade the ``elpa`` directory will be backed up to ``elpa.tar.xz``. You can restore the last backup by calling ``emodule/restore``. This repository should always contain a functional backup of ``elpa``. Theme ----- The theme in use started with the ``underwater`` theme and has been heavily modified, with inspiration from the Spacemacs_ theme, to add support for all new faces introduced by the installed packages. The code setting up the theme is quite messy. It is my plan to simplify it one day. The theme files are located in ``themes``. Stability --------- I have been using this configuration at work and at home for many months now which helped flush many bugs. It has been pretty reliable, but suffers from the occasional glitches which I think are more due to the limitations of Emacs and the packages used than errors in my configuration. .. _Spacemacs: http://spacemacs.org/ .. _`Source Code Pro`: https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro